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Illegal hunting nets southern Ontario group $36,000 in fines

A lengthy Ministry of Natural Resources investigation has resulted in a heavy fine for seven southern Ontario hunters. The six men and one woman were charged back in October of 2008 by MNR conservation officers.
A lengthy Ministry of Natural Resources investigation has resulted in a heavy fine for seven southern Ontario hunters. 

The six men and one woman were charged back in October of 2008 by MNR conservation officers.  During a routine check on Highway 17, west of Schreiber, the group was found to be illegally in possession of a moose. 

Additional charges were laid after another moose and a deer carcass were found to have been abandoned behind a Schreiber business.  

In total, the group has been ordered to pay more than $36,000 in fines and more than $9,000 in court costs.

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