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Road to recovery

Road to recovery

Master Cpl. Chris Drewes hopes to make it back to Canada in time for Pte. Tyler William Todd’s funeral.
Aviation history finds a home

Aviation history finds a home

After two years of living in cyber space, the Northwestern Ontario Aviation Heritage Centre finally has a place to call home.
Family grieving

Family grieving

Kenneth Berg’s family finally has closure. The body of the 60-year-old, who went missing last Oct. 26 after leaving Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, was found on Saturday in a ditch along Goods Road.
Growing success

Growing success

Finding a parking spot seemed to be the only problem for this year’s Home and Garden show.

Fire season continues to heat up in Northwest

The forest fire season continues to gain momentum in Northwestern Ontario, At least five new fires have started in the region in the past three days.

University receives more than $1.74M for research projects

Lakehead University researchers are celebrating the announcement of more than $1.75-million being invested into a number of the University’s research projects.
Drug plan backlash

Drug plan backlash

Janet McCutchon said it’s too early to tell what the impact of the government’s planned Ontario Drug Benefit changes will have on pharmacies, but the Woit’s Pharmacy co-owner is worried what it could mean for this region.

INAC handing over $3.8M after winter road melt

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada is providing $3.8-million in federal fuel subsidies to address the cost of transporting supplies into 30 remote First Nation communities. MP Greg Rickford (Con.
Demolition contract awarded

Demolition contract awarded

It will take several months to complete, but the $2.2-million demolition of Port Arthur General Hospital is scheduled to begin as early as next month.

Man with rifle arrested in Gorham Township

Police arrested a man after he allegedly pointed a gun at a house Wednesday afternoon. Thunder Bay detachment OPP officers report that a man pointed a rifle at a Gorham Township home just after 3:30 p.m. Wednesday.
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