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You're never alone with Adult and Teen Challenge (7 photos)

You're never alone with Adult and Teen Challenge (7 photos)

A faith-based organization that is focused on helping those in need.
Tbaytel continues 12 Days of Christmas campaign for sixth consecutive year (5 photos)

Tbaytel continues 12 Days of Christmas campaign for sixth consecutive year (5 photos)

Tbaytel has continued its 12 Days of Christmas campaign this holiday season.
Young lawyer doing what’s best for her clients

Young lawyer doing what’s best for her clients

Olivia Pietrangelo is bringing a dynamic force to law in Thunder Bay.
Wakefield Oil Change Plus servicing your needs for 30 years

Wakefield Oil Change Plus servicing your needs for 30 years

Wakefield Oil Change Plus knows the importance of vehicle maintenance.
Esquega Law Practice has taken the law by storm

Esquega Law Practice has taken the law by storm

In the midst of a global pandemic, Esquega Law Practice continued to assist without interruption.
Tikinagan Child and Family Services launches new anti-bullying campaign

Tikinagan Child and Family Services launches new anti-bullying campaign

Tikinagan Child and Family Care Services launches new anti-bullying campaign, Red Alert, Bullying Hurts!.
Tbaytel Store is your one-stop-shop for cell phone repairs

Tbaytel Store is your one-stop-shop for cell phone repairs

The Tbaytel Store is a one-stop-shop for all your mobility needs, including repairs.
Converted shipping containers help in fight against COVID-19

Converted shipping containers help in fight against COVID-19

Seniors in care homes able to see family, connect safely
Patty Hajdu is 'all hands on deck' with COVID-19 response efforts

Patty Hajdu is 'all hands on deck' with COVID-19 response efforts

The minister of health is moving and guiding her constituents into a post-COVID world.
Tuesday is Dress Purple Day

Tuesday is Dress Purple Day

On Oct. 27 dress purple in solidarity with Tikinagan.
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