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Apple iCar: Back to Reality

This won’t surprise anyone (except maybe some of the most hardcore Apple fans), but the rumour that Apple will build its own car is officially dead.
Credit Frédérick Boucher-Gaulin

This won’t surprise anyone (except maybe some of the most hardcore Apple fans), but the rumour that Apple will build its own car is officially dead. According to some sources with insider information, hundreds of workers within the company have either been moved to other departments or let go.

Bloomberg reports that Project Titan—which was the official name of the Apple iCar in-house—recently changed its goals; while the company actually considered building their very own car, they will now try to develop an autonomous system that they will then sell to real automakers.

According to Bloomberg’s sources, the now much-smaller team will have until next year to prove to Apple’s execs that the autonomous system is feasible. If they manage to do it, they will be able to keep working on their project. If not, everything will be shelved.

As a reminder, Apple isn’t the first electronic startup to realize that building a car isn’t that easy; Bloomberg also previously reported that Google also renounced to building their own vehicle, and is now looking for partners.

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