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A QR code to "Check-In" is raising awareness for youth mental health

The interactive display at Intercity Shopping Centre is in support of Kids Help Phone
The Check-In display can be found next to the food court at Intercity Shopping Centre.

THUNDER BAY — Shoppers at Intercity Shopping Centre can use their cellphones to Check-In, which will send a positive message and help support youth mental health services.

Earlier this month, Intercity partnered with Kids Help Phone to launch Check-In, an interactive cell phone display next to the food court with a QR code.

“Every time you check in with the QR code, we will donate $2 to Kids Help Phone,” said Shannon Young, marketing manager with Intercity Shopping Centre.

“You can check in as many times as you want.”

After checking-in, the user will receive a positive and uplifting text message sent to their phone.  

The Intercity Shopping Centre also has links to local mental health resources for youth on its website.

“After the pandemic, we realized there were a lot of mental health issues and a lot in youth, and we thought we wanted to raise community awareness. So we partnered with Kids Help Phone, and it’s been great,” Young said.

The initiative is taking place across all shopping centres in Canada operated by Morguard.

The goal is to raise $50,000 in support of Kids Help Phone this month.

“We’ve seen quite a bit of engagement across our portfolio,” Young said.

“We want to donate $50,000 at the month of May and we are getting there. It is starting to pick up in the last week.”

This is part of a three-year initiative and Young said there will be other events planned for next fall and the holiday season.


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