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Another tractor trailer collision on Highway 102 over the weekend

There have been several collisions this year on Highway 102 near Mud Lake Road

THUNDER BAY — For at least the fourth time in the past few months, there's been a significant collision involving a tractor-trailer on Highway 102 in the Mud Lake Road area.

Ontario Provincial Police say the latest incident occurred about 8 p.m. Saturday.

Nobody was injured, but there was extensive damage when the transport truck left the road.

Photos posted by the Facebook group Highway 11/17 Kills People show the unit overturned, its cargo spilled, and a hydro pole damaged.

An OPP spokesperson said the collision was the result of weather conditions, and that no charges were laid.

The highway's westbound lane was closed for a period of time until the vehicle and debris could be removed.

Previous collisions on Highway 102 occurred in July, August and September.


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