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Catfight caught on camera

Woman films two lynx fighting just outside Thunder Bay.
Katie Green got this shot of two lynx near John Street Road on Feb. 11. (Photo supplied).

THUNDER BAY - Seeing a lynx in the wild can be a pretty rare sight. But when Katie Green came across two lynx in the dark, she couldn’t believe what happened next.

“We were just heading into town and we saw it lying on the driveway,” Green said. “First I only saw the one and from far away it looked like one of the neighbours dogs. When we got closer, I thought maybe it was just one of the cats running around, but then I saw its ears so I knew it was a lynx.”

Green and her boyfriend were at the end of Thompson Road just off of John Street Road on Feb. 11 when they saw the lynx in the driveway.

“In the side mirror I could see a second one approaching the first one lying down and we just sort of followed them down the road and they started fighting,” she said.

Green shot a short video of the encounter with her cell phone which was uploaded onto social media. As of Monday, the video has received more 22,000 views on Facebook alone.

“I wasn’t expecting it to go so viral,” she said. “I guess it’s because of just how rare it is. It’s rare to see one lynx, let alone two, and to see them fighting is pretty crazy.”

After the brief scuffle, Green said the two lynx kept growling at each other for a few minutes and then walked away.  

Green said for the most part, the only wildlife she has encountered in the area are deer and raccoons. And despite witnessing Mother Nature in all its little furry fury, Green said she isn’t afraid to walk to her car on a dark winter night.  

But she does hope people in the area will take extra precaution with their pets.

“I just hope for people in the area to watch their pets,” she said. “I know a lot of people let their dogs and cats run around there.”

Doug Diaczuk

About the Author: Doug Diaczuk

Doug Diaczuk is a reporter and award-winning author from Thunder Bay. He has a master’s degree in English from Lakehead University
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