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City's first French public school unveils new name

Staff and students helped come up with the permanent name of their school.

THUNDER BAY — As the first school year comes to a close, the city's first public French school has a new name. 

Conseil scolaire du Grand Nord had given the school on Victoria Avenue a temporary name until the perfect fit was found. 

It is now officially called École Publique des Vents du Nord, which roughly translates to Northern Winds Public School in English. 

The school's principal, Oye-Sem Won, spoke about how she, along with staff and students, came up with the name. 

"We talked about different things that are important to Thunder Bay: the water, the community, a little bit of the history. We talked about the vegetation and animals all around, things that were important to them, activities that they did with their families and tried to include as much as possible."

Won anticipates growth in student enrolment for the school's second year since there are a total of 23 students enrolled for the 2023/24 school year. 

"It was a year of growth," she said.

"We've doubled our numbers from what we started in September. So we're very happy with that, and I think as the years go on, more and more families will be interested in public French education, and we're open and welcome to all."

Won said all construction in the school has been completed. 

"We're still not using the first floor of the school.

"Eventually, we'll be looking at renting some spaces or partner either with health groups or the French community or others. On the second floor, all the construction is done so far. We're working on building a new library elevator, and everything else is done.

"It's taken a little bit of time, but we've gotten there and next year will be a breeze, hopefully."

Katie Nicholls, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

About the Author: Katie Nicholls, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Originally from central Ontario, Katie moved here to further her career in the media industry.
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