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Motorists want to give back booze that fell out of pick-up truck

Local couple spotted several bottles of alcohol rolling out of the back of a pick-up truck Tuesday morning in the County Fair area and would like to return it to the owner.
(via Shutterstock)

THUNDER BAY – A Thunder Bay couple recovered a load of liquor that rolled out the back of a pick-up truck Tuesday morning in the County Fair area.

Now they want to get the booze back to its rightful owner.

Nancy Oster said she and her husband Mike were driving in the area when they saw the bottles roll out off the bed of what they believe was an older model white Ford pick-up truck.

Thinking it was just empty bottles, they stopped to clean up the mess, only to find that not only were they intact, but unopened.

The couple also recovered fishing supplies that slid onto the street.

“We drove all over County Park looking for the driver,” Nancy said.

The incident occurred at about 9:30 a.m.

“I know a lot of people might keep it, but that’s not the right thing to do,” Nancy said.

If you believe this is your alcohol, please send an email to and include a description of the type and brand of alcohol that was lost, and also include a description of the tackle box, including make and colour.


Leith Dunick

About the Author: Leith Dunick

A proud Nova Scotian who has called Thunder Bay home since 2002, Leith is Dougall Media's director of news, but still likes to tell your stories too. Wants his Expos back and to see Neil Young at least one more time. Twitter: @LeithDunick
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