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Novice driver nabbed for speeding while impaired

Motorist initially sped away when an officer tried to pull him over.
20190310 opp cruiser OPP

THUNDER BAY — Ontario Provincial Police charged a rural Thunder Bay man with impaired driving and several other offences after a traffic stop early Tuesday morning.

OPP say an officer patrolling on John Street Road observed a vehicle being driven erratically just before 1:00 a.m.

When the officer activated the cruiser's emergency lights to signal the driver to pull over, the motorist left the scene at high speed.

Shortly after, however, he decided to pull over.

A 24-year-old resident of Fowler Township will appear in court next month charged with impaired driving, driving with an open container of liquor in the vehicle, being a novice driver with alcohol in his system, flight from police, and racing a motor vehicle.


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