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Police issue warning about two mail scams

Police have received reports of two scams, one involving a mailed letter claiming to be from a law firm and another involving an email about a recurring charge
Thunder Bay Police car (2)

THUNDER BAY — The public is being advised of two scams being reported in the city of Thunder Bay.

According to the Thunder Bay Police Service, investigators have received reports involving a mail scam and an email scam.

The first scam involves a mailed letter purportedly from a law firm, claiming that the recipient’s personal details have been leaked onto the dark web and that the law firm has informed law enforcement, taken security measures and will provide assistance as needed. 

The letter also includes a phone number, and when dialed, asks for personal details while not being able to provide specific information about the matter or debt collection. 

The second scam involves an email where the recipient is notified of an apparent recurring charge. The recipient is provided contact information to direct any concerns or to cancel the subscription.

The scammer then requests personal details, claiming it's required to verify their information.

The scammer may use additional tactics, such as electronic and wire transfers, gift cards and cryptocurrency platforms, to continue the scam. 

The Thunder Bay Police Service’s Economic Crime Unit is urging family members and friends to speak to those who may be vulnerable to being targeted by this type of scam. 

More information is available through the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.


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