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That’s not Winnipeg: Wrong turn puts suspected cigarette smugglers into the U.S.

THUNDER BAY -- Three Canadian travellers returning to Canada from the U.S. with a so-called single pack of cigarettes may have underestimated their haul -- by about 99 cartons.
(CBSA handout)

THUNDER BAY -- Three Canadian travellers returning to Canada from the U.S. with a so-called single pack of cigarettes may have underestimated their haul -- by about 99 cartons.

Officials with Canada Border Services Agency say the three Canadians were crossing back into Canada on Nov. 8 at the Pigeon River point of entry. The trio declared that they were returning with one package of cigarettes.

But officers wanted to take a closer look after learning that the vehicle was reported as having crossed into the U.S. only to immediately turn around and head back to Canada.

The travellers were referred for secondary examination when one of the three spontaneously admitted that he had 100 cartons of undeclared cigarettes.

During the examination, officers discovered that the individuals had travelled to a reserve in Quebec in order to purchase tax-free cigarettes for the purpose of transporting them to Winnipeg for resale.

They had not intended to cross into the United States.

The investigation concerning the purchase of 100 cartons of cigarettes was handed over to the RCMP.

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