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Poll Results

Outside of Thunder Bay, what's your favourite Canadian city?

Calgary 67 votes 5.59%
Charlottetown 29 votes 2.42%
Edmonton 26 votes 2.17%
Halifax 87 votes 7.26%
Montreal 105 votes 8.76%
Ottawa 123 votes 10.26%
Regina 10 votes 0.83%
Quebec 34 votes 2.84%
Toronto 207 votes 17.26%
Vancouver 109 votes 9.09%
Victoria 89 votes 7.42%
Winnipeg 96 votes 8.01%
Other 217 votes 18.10%

Total votes: 1199

The poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Thunder Bay or other areas.

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