To the editor:
I have recently experienced a scam phone call (I usually hang up on taped ones). This was not a taped one, so I heard him out.
“Mrs. you have won $350 and the money truck will be at your door in an hour.” I listened because I had entered a contest a year or so ago.
Then he said, “Mrs. Chambers you must go to your bank first and withdraw $170 to hand to me and I’ll sign a receipt.”
I hung up and tried to dial our Crime Stoppers and he was still on the line. I dialed Crime Stoppers on my cell phone and was immediately told “don’t use your phone for a while.”
It is hoped it was traced, plus an officer came and took a report.
I learned later in our directory in fine print it advises to hang up and hit star and then 57, which will automatically be traced for the law.
There’s a charge of $5 by the telephone company to prevent it being used unnecessarily.
I do hope none of our seniors will ever co-operate with phone calls such as this.
No money truck was hired to do this I have also been told.
Dorothy Chambers,
Thunder Bay