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Man arrested under suspicion of impaired driving doesn't go quietly

Ontario Provincial Police News Portal [KENORA] MALE CHARGED FOR IMPAIRED DRIVER 2015-07-21 OPP News Release (KENORA, ON) Members of the Kenora Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have charged a Kenora man following a traffic complaint.

Victoriaville report will wait until next month after city meets with business owners

THUNDER BAY -- City council will wait a month before hearing a report on new plans for Victoriaville.
Local group comes forward to renovate, maintain historic caboose

Local group comes forward to renovate, maintain historic caboose

THUNDER BAY -- A caboose on the city’s waterfront will stay where it is thanks to the help of some historical volunteers.

Deferred work could lead to other road projects this year

THUNDER BAY -- Work on Cumberland Street will have to wait until next year but city council wants to see if other roads can benefit this season.

Sidewalk heading to Woodcrest Road despite city guidelines

THUNDER BAY -- A city sidewalk will be built despite a recommendation from city administration. Residents of Woodcrest Road between John Street Road and Hutton Park Drive have been waiting for a sidewalk on the street’s West side for a decade.
Supply issues leading to gas pumps running dry across city

Supply issues leading to gas pumps running dry across city

THUNDER BAY - A number of local gas stations are out of fuel as a result of a temporary supply interruption.
City asks court to review agreement with CN over swing bridge

City asks court to review agreement with CN over swing bridge

THUNDER BAY -- The city is taking steps to try and expedite legal proceedings surrounding the James Street Swing Bridge dispute. The bridge has been closed to vehicular traffic since it was damaged by fire in October of 2013.
Manitoba teen charged in alleged sexual assault at Fort William Historical Park

Manitoba teen charged in alleged sexual assault at Fort William Historical Park

A 19-year-old Manitoba man is in custody following an alleged sexual assault that took place on Saturday near Fort William Historical Park.

Local farmers see benefits in canola crops

THUNDER BAY -- Experts at the Thunder Bay Agricultural Research Station are promoting canola to local producers as a beneficial cash crop to add to their yearly rotations.
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