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Letters to the Editor

Different, not less

Recently there was an article discussing the possibility that former Deputy Premier George Smitherman and his partner were attempting to adopt a child.

Watch your purse

To the editor: I was at a southside restaurant eating supper with a friend three weeks ago when all of a sudden a man shoved me. He grabbed my purse, which was under my jacket. I yelled out; the waitress chased him. My friend also chased him.

No process to say thanks

I contacted the police department non-emergency number and due to a high call rate was placed on an automated system that gave me several choices. These included an extension to file a complaint against a police officer.

City needs ombudsman

To the editor: I had this Toronto Star article brought to my attention because it shows just how behind the times the city of Thunder Bay is when it comes to dealing with citizen complaints. The City of Thunder Bay needs an ombudsman.

Bus stop dilemma

The city needs a new, temporary site to put a bus terminal on the south side of the city. But is closing down a portion of Donald Street really the best solution? Thankfully on Monday night city council didn’t think so.

From the House: Budget has issues

This week the federal budget cleared its final hurdle in parliament. The Harper government, with the support of the Liberal caucus, continues to implement a misguided, deficit-laden agenda.

Investing in the Research Institute

Recently we announced that the Ontario Government is investing $6.48 million to support a leading-edge research project at the Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute (TBRRI).

The cost of victory

When Canadian taxpayers were asked to fork over $117 million to Own the Podium at the 2010 Winter Olympics we weren’t given the whole story. We should have known the podium can not be owned, it can only be rented.

Where’s national pride?

To the editor: I was very disappointed with the article written by Fiona Gardiner in the Thunder Bay Source last week. Fiona doesn’t seem to think much of us Canadians.

No guarantees online

To the editor: Kudos to Lawrence Timko with regards to his letter, Count Them By Hand, dated March 3, 2010. The poor system he describes is that paper ballots for the municipal election are scanned by machines.
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