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Wanted Wednesday search continues

Wanted Wednesday search continues

The following people are currently WANTED on outstanding bench and/or committal warrants by the Thunder Bay Police Service.
Video: September 4, 2018: Algoma Street Death

Video: September 4, 2018: Algoma Street Death

September 4, 2018: Algoma Street Death
Summer weather expected to linger on

Summer weather expected to linger on

September predicted to surpass long-term average temperature
Thunder Bay hotel tax draws mixed response after first few days

Thunder Bay hotel tax draws mixed response after first few days

Four per cent levy took effect Sept. 1.
Good Morning, Thunder Bay!

Good Morning, Thunder Bay!

Wishing all the kids success on their first day of school
Police find missing 31-year-old

Police find missing 31-year-old

Police find missing 31-year-old woman.
Student orientation marks new beginnings at college (3 photos)

Student orientation marks new beginnings at college (3 photos)

First day of the academic year also represented start of the tenure for new college president.
Merchant Navy flag flies at city hall (2 photos)

Merchant Navy flag flies at city hall (2 photos)

The Red Duster is flying at Thunder Bay city hall to honour the sacrifice of merchant navy sailors who served in the Second World War.
Lightning destroys summer home in Shuniah

Lightning destroys summer home in Shuniah

Crews arrived to find fire in advanced stage
Police still trying to identify body pulled from Kam River

Police still trying to identify body pulled from Kam River

A post-mortem examination has been conducted and police are awaiting the results in the hopes it will assist with confirming the man’s identity
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