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Letters to the Editor

Letter: Equality for everyone

To the editor: Everyone knows the history of the Famous Five and the Persons Case. This group of women fought to have women recognized as persons by law. During this time women fought for equal rights, opportunity, work, pay and recognition.

Letter: Council discouraging

To the editor: Firefighters want pay to equal Thunder Bay police officers according to Eric Nordlund, president of Thunder Bay Professional Firefighters Association.

Letter: Thanks to BIA

To the editor: I would like to commend the Heart of the Harbour BIA for taking the initiative to hire their own summer staff to beautify the downtown shopping area.

Editorial: Cup win well deserved

Winning the Stanley Cup couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Last Wednesday, Thunder Bay’s Patrick Sharp hoisted the trophy, taking it from Marian Hossa and planting his lips firmly on Lord Stanley’s Mug before passing it along.

Fore more years

Canadians love their Prime Minister. Some may disagree with his tactics or dislike his personal style but during his most recent appearance it was obvious that the Canadian public and press still have a soft spot for this PM.

Letter: Why can’t we do it?

To the editor: In response to the story “Four-year-old dies,” did you ever wonder or ask why this little girl was shipped off to Winnipeg? Was this tragic accident a survivable one if our own new multi-million dollar and supposedly modern hospital ha

Letter: Let people count

To the editor: This is an open letter to city council.

Editorial: PETA's call insensitive

Earlier this week the controversial animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals called on Mayor Lynn Peterson to ban the use of horse-drawn carriages in the city.

Auditor General for a day

First we spent billions chasing Olympic gold, and now this. This year Canada will be hosting the G8 and G20 summits in Huntsville and downtown Toronto respectively and money is no object. The word is out.

Editorial: Sad day in the Bay

Tragedy struck Thunder Bay this week. Four-year-old Willow Scott-Hannam was killed Monday when a horse got spooked at Fort William Historical Park, rolling the carriage attached to it over her young, fragile body.
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