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Letters to the Editor

Letter: Reform the process

To the editor: After applying for our city’s committees/boards, I find the entire application and selection process needs to be reformed.

Editorial: What will 2011 hold?

It’s hard to believe another year has flown by. It seems like yesterday we were ready to roll foward into a new decade and the promises it held for Thunder?Bay. Can 2011 top its predecessor for excitement? It’s hard to say.

Pullia: City welcomes ex-pat professionals with open arms

Over the holiday season, many people come back to the Thunder Bay region to visit with family and friends. However, over the past several years, a growing number of professionals are also returning to our city to make their homes here.

Favorite cliches

Many people in Thunder Bay and many more across the country are on a life-long quest to recapture something special that was left behind years ago.

Editorial: higher fees could work

The city’s plan to spay and neuter all pets it adopts out is a good one. Although the program – which still must be approved in next year’s budget process – will double adoption fees, there is plenty of value in the extra costs.

New age Robin Hood

The worldwide diplomatic community is having a collective hissy fit lately and it is all due to Australian internet magnate, Julian Assange and his impressive new toy, WikiLeaks.

Letter: Hydro woes

To the editor: I?keep reading the comments in a variety of media sources with regard to the incredible price increases for Hydro. Some have suggested their bills have doubled in the last few years.

Letter: Look to Grand Marais

To the editor: As I recall, our redeveloping Marina Park has been influenced and patterned after successful marinas that service huge populations the world over by members of our city’s planning department that have had little to no boating experienc

Editorial: Secrecy not acceptable

The Keith Hobbs era has officially begun in Thunder?Bay. And ironically enough, after months of campaigning by all candidates on transparency, it began behind closed doors. So much for promises.

A squatter's rights

I grew up with several siblings in a small house. We doubled up in the bedrooms, shared the closet space and we had to manage with just one bathroom, toilet and tub only. Toilet time was precious and there was always somebody banging on the door.
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