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Letters to the Editor

Editorial: McKinnon's decision a political blunder

Red River Coun. Brian McKinnon made perhaps one of the worst political moves in Thunder Bay’s history on Monday night. A week after voting in favour of all 18 of Horizon Wind Inc.

Decline of democracy

What do ice cream, a new pair of shoes and Thunder Bay’s municipal election have in common? It’s always nice to have a choice, whether you’re talking flavors, shoe sizes or in our case, 50 candidates for city council.

Letter- Missed opportunity

To the editor: Retailers in Thunder Bay are missing an economic opportunity from many physically challenged people, seniors and those suffering from other mobility-limiting health issues. Recently after vacationing in the U.

Letter - Time for a change

To the editor: With the municipal election upon us, it is time to review the actions of the mayor and city councillors. As we look at the destruction of Marina Park, several questions arise.

Editorial - Stop crime in its tracks

Keith Hobbs has it partially right. The mayoral candidate has been preaching for years that the city is approaching crime prevention from the wrong direction.

Health for Life: Buliding healthy body image

Q: My 13 year old daughter has been feeling down since she didn’t get chosen as a flyer for the cheerleading team. She insists she is fat compared to all her friends.

2010 election an exciting one

Isn’t election season fun? The 2010 municipal race may be the best we’ve ever seen in Thunder Bay. Just look at the races that are shaping up.

Liars, fraudsters and cheats

According to the Canadian Council on Learning we have a problem. If their report “Liars, Fraudsters and Cheats” is correct, we no longer know the difference between right and wrong.

All about location

To the editor: There is no question the world wide usage of all forms of energy is of paramount concern and the development of alternative sources of energy production must be a priority for the future.

Zoning overhaul

To the editor: Just over 23 years ago, the City of Thunder Bay’s first zoning bylaw came into effect as a unified and coordinated land use planning tool for the entire city.
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